Thursday, October 19, 2006


Here is my first batch of "stuff" that I made on the wheel. Although not perfect, I am pleased with the results. I have learned a lot of "what not to do" in this process.

Drying is a slow process (1 - 2 weeks) and should not be rushed. The pieces are flipped over so that they have a chance to dry uniformly to prevent stress on the piece which could lead to cracking. I dry my pieces for 3 - 7 days in the garage where it is cool and damp and then move them into the house after trimming.

Once the greenware is completely dried it is ready for the first firing in the kiln. Once it is fired, the bisque ware is ready to for glazing. Then it will be fired at a higher temperature a second time to set the glaze. More on glazing later!

The majority of these pieces will also be used to test my glazes and different types of glazing techniques.

For more information about pottery visit