Monday, July 21, 2008

Putting it all in Perspective

Life is a wonderful thing as even when it throws us some curve balls, it also gives us the opportunity to learn and change. These last 4 months have trying but has helped me put things into perspective and has refocused my life into realizing what is important to me. Starting a business, having to do reno’s on the house, bringing another living creature into our home and almost losing a family member, twice, can really make you think which is always a good thing.

Unfortunately I have to work and that has to come first. No work = no food, no house, no anything. Fortunately I love what I do and I am good at it. I guess it helps that I am my own boss with my own company but there is also a lot financial stresses that goes along with it.

So what does all of this have to do with my pottery and crochet? Absolutely everything! I cannot be creative unless I am enjoying what I am doing. I could set a whole day aside to do pottery, but if I am not passionate about it at that moment, I will no longer force myself to do it because what I will create will not make me happy. I am no longer going to get caught up in what the public may like or trying to meet deadlines.

I do pottery and crochet because it allows me to create, it relaxes me, it makes me happy and I am proud for my accomplishments. Period. It is a hobby, not a job. I have a job. The items I have made recently have been above and beyond anything I have made in the past. Although it is not a huge amount because there are only so many hours in the day, I am very proud of my creations and vast improvements every time I pick up a piece of clay or yarn.

So remember “We're here for a good time. Not a long time. So have a good time, The sun can't shine everyday” Trooper 1977.