Thursday, November 30, 2006

Glaze Fire Success !!

My first kiln load of glazed pieces was also a success! I had a bit if a panic because I couldn't see my cones properly but in the end everything worked perfectly. The picture on the left is my favorite piece.

The kiln worked great and the glazes came out perfectly but I am not really all that impressed with the results. Not that there were any mistakes just the painting with a brush (versus dipping or pouring) has a very, how could I describe it, juvenile result. But I wasn't in love with any of these pieces as they were the first ones I threw on the wheel and the first ones to experiment with the glazes.

I did have some cool results where the glazes over-lapped and I will duplicate that again on future pieces. Now I really have the incentive to make my own glazes versus premixed glazes. I am just waiting for one more piece of the puzzle and I can embark on marking my own glazes very soon.