Monday, November 06, 2006


I'd like you to meet Dyna. She's old (40+ yrs), she's ugly and she's needs some work. Apparently she works and she is going to be my new best friend. Her interior is in great shape! She is an old Dyna-Kiln H-8800 from L&L Manufacturing. L&L has been around for 60 years and this is one of their oldest kilns. She needs some new wiring, shelves and a little love but I hope to have her running this coming weekend. I have a bit to learn as she is completely manual. She does have a pyrometer but I will need to get some cones to ensure she fires to the appropriate temperature for bisque and glaze firing. Needless to say, I am very excited to have my own kiln as I can be completely self-sufficient.

Tomorrow we are pulling out all of our glazed pieces at the studio where I am taking a course so I will post some of my drunk-ware (aka my lopsided pieces) shortly. If we have enough people the wheel-throwing course will commence this Thursday!